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Our Mission

Powering high-mix, low-volume manufacturing with cutting-edge robotics—from precision welding to large-format metal 3D printing

Why Elementiam Inc. 

Increase Flexibility

Engineered for high-mix automation, bringing advanced automation to mass customization.

Minimize Training

Reduce the amount of required training to operate robotic equipment.

Shorten ROI 

Accelerate ROI—one robot, multiple jobs, maximizing efficiency and flexibility.

Our Partners

We are in good company.

10X your robot

Transform your existing robotic arm from a tool into a teammate

Element X is your all-in-one solution for programming robotic systems—no coding required!  Designed specifically for custom and high variety applications. 

Element X

3D Print & Weld At Scale 

Produce ,Repair and Assemble Industrial Parts

Isotope machines are affordable large-scale metal and polymer 3D printers that helps manufacturers quickly produce spare parts and repair damaged equipment. 


Hybrid Additive Manufacturing

Design and manufacture high quality parts using additive and machining path planning. Suitable for metal and plastic large scale 3D printing. 

In-situ Welding and Overlay

Plan in-situ welding and overlay paths based on real 3D scanned data. No programming required.

Automated Repair

Using 3D scanning vision, Element X software provides an automated repair strategy for damaged industrial equipement based on hybrid additive manufacturing 

Unlock the full potential of your automated system

Join us and make your make your robot smarter.